ETC Courses

FCC Licensing Courses

Get an FCC License & Upgrade Your Career

Credentials are important! Get an FCC License and get hired or promoted to that job you want. Elkins offers you 69+ years’ experience in technical training, testing and licensing. We hold regularly scheduled classes for the following licenses or endorsements:

  • Marine Radio Operator Permit (MROP) - FCC Element 1
  • General Radiotelephone Operator License w/Radar Endorsement (GROL w/Radar Endorsement) - FCC
    Elements 1, 3 & 8
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Radio Operator License (GMDSS Operator) - FCC Elements 1 & 7
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Radio Maintainer License (GMDSS Maintainer) - FCC Elements 1, 3, 8 & 9
  • Second Class Radiotelegraph Operator License (T2) - FCC Elements 6 (written exams)

INFO on the highly attended Elkins GROL (General Radiotelephone Operator License) class:

The General Radiotelephone Operator License (GROL) with Radar Endorsement is one of our most popular classes. GROL is a lifetime credential that is the most broadly accepted FCC Wireless License available. This license is required to adjust, maintain, troubleshoot or internally repair transmitters for aviation, maritime, microwave, railroad, telephone and international fixed public radio systems and services. This license is regarded as a certificate of knowledge and is required by many employers and governmental bodies in the radio/communication and electronic industry, including being a requirement for companies installing public radio enhancement systems, sometimes referred to as Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDA).

  • Average 98% pass rate           
  • Tuition $1395 (plus $200 instructor travel fee for offsite classes)
  • Presented in a step-by-step, easy to follow format. Walk away with Proof-of-Passing Certificate, which serves as a temporary license until your permanent license is received from FCC. GROL encompasses FCC Elements 1, 3 & 8. Tuition includes manuals, instruction, tutoring, testing, Proof of Passing Certificate plus FCC application and processing of license.

Elkins has a 69+ year history in the technical training arena –commercial communications training, licensing and certification. We are a national Commercial Operator License Examination Manager (COLEM) for the FCC , under the auspices of BFT Training Unlimited, Inc. dba Elkins Institute, and also conduct USCG, DNV and MSC approved courses world-wide.

For information on Elkins FCC classes or to register, call 800.821.0906, 707-792-5678 or email

Aviation Courses at EMTI Vessel Search Procedures at EMTI Missile Control Systems courses at EMTI  




PO Box 2677 - Santa Rosa, CA 95405, USA
800.821.0906 or 707.792.5678 --- Fax: 707.792.5677

Please visit our sister organization Elkins Marine Training International.
EMTI specializes in many areas of Commercial Maritime training
for personnel in the various maritime related industries.